One of the initiatives to ramp up our efforts to create a flourishing ecosystem around IOTA is the newly launched IOTA Learn development hub. Largely lead by the community, IOTA Learn makes it possible for developers to learn about IOTA through concrete application examples. This will speed up the development, integration, and creation and overall will enable a collaborative environment where anyone can have their very own application featured on our website. If you are interested in submitting a tutorial, read our instructions here.  

You can already check out some of the first examples today: a priority-ranked Leaderboard that shows IOTA’s micropayment and data transfer features; a CLI written in Go that shows the features of our new Go library; and some examples of how address generation works in IOTA.  

The long awaited in depth official roadmap for IOTA development has been unveiled.

Check it out here

As IOTA is gaining more exposure internationally, we are increasingly being invited to more events. The IOTA Foundation will present at one of the largest IoT conferences in Europe this April — the Internet of Things European Summit. The conferences are well represented by corporate behemoths such as Huawei, Microsoft, ARM, HP, and others.  

In addition to that, we presented at the “CleanTech Scandinavia” this week, with a presentation focused on the potential of IOTA in the CleanTech sector and how distributed ledgers can solve problems and funnel further growth. You can expect a blog post on this topic by Wilfried.

New additions to the team  

We are very excited to announce the new additions to the IOTA Foundation team. Regine Haschka Helmer and Wilfried Pimenta de Miranda have recently joined the team to help further streamline and scale up our collaborations and global partnerships with corporates and startups.  

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IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.