Update: The IOTA Trinity wallet is deprecated with the Chrysalis upgrade and will be replaced by the new Firefly wallet. You can easily transfer your tokens following these instructions.

Introducing the beta release of the Trinity Desktop wallet.
The mobile wallet design has been optimised for desktop with some neat additions, while maintaining a familiar flow. The app has been audited to assure its security, and theming adjusted to optimise usability.
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Welcome Sergey Ivancheglo and Serguei Popov to the Board of Directors! The addition of two of the original IOTA founders has completed and the new board has already had its first board meeting. Now as a team of five, we have decided on a few key initiatives for the remainder of 2018: Fine-tuning the IOTA strategy and focus on the maturity of our technologies and the documentation, filling in the blanks in the organization (with newly appointed Head of Communications and HR) and developing a strategy for the sustainability of the Foundation.

Welcome Sergey Ivancheglo and Serguei Popov to the Board of Directors! The addition of two of the original IOTA founders has completed and the new board has already had its first board meeting. Now as a team of five, we have decided on a few key initiatives for the remainder of 2018: Fine-tuning the IOTA strategy and focus on the maturity of our technologies and the documentation, filling in the blanks in the organization (with newly appointed Head of Communications and HR) and developing a strategy for the sustainability of the Foundation.

Ecoystem Development Fund
While it took many months (many more than we would have hoped) to establish the legal framework and internal governance model for the IOTA Ecosystem Development Fund (EDF), we are very pleased to put these tasks behind us and finally begin putting these community donated resources towards their intended purpose: fostering a vibrant ecosystem of community development around the IOTA core protocol. Before we unveil the first cohort of grantees, we would like to first update the community on what we have been working on behind the scenes these past many months, and what to expect from the EDF going forward.
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IOTA is built on a unique architecture that was designed with the IoT environment of the future in mind. This unique architecture has made it more challenging for service providers like exchanges to integrate IOTA compared to traditional blockchains. The Hub offers a standardized, open-source solution to these issues using a simple gRPC API in a hardened and audited environment. This makes integrating IOTA simple for any kind of service provider.
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New JavaScript library
We have been hard at work for the past couple of months, making some significant changes to the JavaScript library. The goal was to make the library easier to maintain and make the codebase more developer-friendly. So that not only us, but anyone from our community can easily make changes and add new code.
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Serguei Popov joins the Board of Directors
Serguei Popov is a research mathematician working in the field of Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes. He graduated from and attained his Ph.D. at the Moscow State University under the supervision of Professor Mikhail Menshikov, with whom he still happily collaborates. Around 20 years ago he moved to Brazil to do a postdoc, and then progressed to professorship first in the University of Sao Paulo, and then in the University of Campinas.
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Sergey Ivancheglo joins the Board of Directors
Sergey Ivancheglo lives in Minsk, Belarus. He holds a Bachelor of Science with specialization in electronics and artificial intelligence. He has been working as a software engineer for more than 20 years, and since 2011 he has been primarily focused on Distributed Ledger Technology.
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IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.