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TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) is one of the most respected organizations in East Africa and well-known globally for its work on improving livelihoods through improved trade conditions. Following a long due diligence process, multiple ideation sessions, and hands-on work, the IOTA Foundation (IF) is proud to receive the approval of the board of TMEA and become a strategic partner.

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Most of you are probably aware that the IOTA Foundation’s focus significantly shifted throughout February into resolving the Trinity attack incident. The incident temporarily affected many of the development projects since the mitigation and resolution were pretty much ‘all hands on deck’ on many occasions. Nevertheless, we were able to keep on progressing towards our goals of making Chrysalis a reality.

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Our research groups are pleased to share our latest progress updates from February & March 2020. All groups are progressing nicely toward our goals. Much progress has been made since our February ReSum — where we were engaged with the topics outlined below, as well as liaising with several of our engineers, with whom we are working together to translate our results into end-user products

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Community Projects — Machine Payment Prototype

Welcome to the IOTA Community Projects! Every week, we share a new project from our amazing community to inspire you to get hands-on with IOTA. The first initiative we showcased was the Machine Payment Prototype from Akita Block.

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Community Projects — Distributed Health Record

The second initiative of the IOTA Community Projects — our initiative to show hands-on projects powered by IOTA — is a Distributed Health Record that uses IoT and the Tangle. The goal is to enable medical home monitoring & sharing with healthcare professionals.

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Automation Series — Episode #7

In the 7th episode of the Automation Series, David Sønstebø, our cofounder, discusses M2M transactions, automation, and how digitally native assets, accounting, and contracts fit into the future digital world.

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IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.