As the New Year begins it is a great time to plan the future of Entangled. First, what is Entangled? Entangled is a monorepo for all things Tangle that add functionality for operating IOTA in C/C++.

If you would like to keep up to date with the project, the repo can be found and starred here:  

Why make IOTA C-based? The primary reason is our focus on the Internet of Things (IoT). Many of these small form-factor devices run on very efficient and small program sizes which are C-based. To make IOTA the leading Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for IoT, it is a natural step for the Foundation to provide support for them.

During the first quarter of 2019 the team is focusing on developing the foundations for practical applications of our technology — and ideally have IOTA running on various types of C-based test hardware.

Under cIRI we will be focusing on completing the HTTP API — a checkConsistency endpoint is required for supporting further compass ( security features. We need to build our Event System for extendability and modularization, support TCP connections for added compatibility, and develop a gRPC Event System Server for a better developer environment.

In addition, we are looking to get cIRI on a RTOS proof-of-concept to validate this technology in a “real world” application. We will of course also be looking at performance improvements and any cleanup as necessary.

In regards to CClient, our main focus in the first quarter will be to cover all JS API commands and perform some necessary cleanup. After this is complete, we will be doing various rounds of embedded Proof-of-Concept (PoC) work which will be shared on the blog.

Another major focus of this first quarter is MAM. Work surrounding MAM is primarily aimed at improving the performance and security of the first production release. We are currently reviewing the new, updated codebase and are looking to integrate this new codebase as well as create a flexible abstraction layer. This will lead to multiple PoCs to follow the theme of practical uses of the technology and validating the implementation of the new codebase.

Other things the team will be working on in the first quarter include rewriting the TangleScope, reviewing any requirements needed for Hub, Flash port to C, and investigating PermaNodes. We will be sharing further blog posts as these tasks become more clear.

Current Open PRs:  





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IOTA Foundation

Official posts from the IOTA Foundation, and migrated posts from old platforms.