The Internet of Everything makes it possible to connect people with the myriad of devices surrounding them at all times in 2017.  

IOTA’s vision of opening up the technological landscape and fertilizing the soil for new innovations will not solely be accomplished through enabling Machine-to-Machine communications, but also with human-centric applications. An important step towards this is having a nice and easy-to-use Mobile Wallet. This will not only expand utility of IOTA, but also help bring IOTA to the masses. Which I am happy to say is here due to great work by the IOTA community members Adrian, Oliver and Sascha.  

The mobile wallet, in general, is a light client built with a fast and light design for maximum responsiveness. Once you are connected to your a node, you are able to generate addresses, conduct and receive transactions, and even to keep an eye on your transactions and address history. The latter will be also possible through the fantasticTangle explorer which is fully integrated.  

The Live Tangle explorer runs with a full search function and enables full self-management of your interaction-record. An additional function is the option to add neighbors. Since full node support is not enabled yet, this function is partly a matter of forethought.Right now, it aims for full nodes to be managed from your mobile where you will be able to add, to remove and to monitor your nodes’ neighbors remotely.  

The mobile wallet is in beta stage right now as some important features are added later and the functionality is being tested with a larger number of people.  

Miscellaneous functions are the following:  

- Current IOTA balance in different currencies such as BTC, USD, EUR, YEN  

- Report issues or add a feature request directly to github  

- Seed generator  

- Seed password protection  

This type of very useful community productivity is exactly what any open source grass roots project need in order to grow. The entire IOTA community should be grateful to the team that made this software, and above all be inspired to similarly create tools and use cases that expand the ecosystem.  

Donations for Adrian, Oliver and Sascha are therefore appreciated and important as it raises the incentive of others to do the same, knowing that it will be appreciated and also be a viable source of income.  

Everyone, therefore, should re-think his own position in the IOTA ecosystem which depends on givers, not takers.  

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