Published Weekly as a Summary of Chrysalis Phase 2 Updates.

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IOTA 1.5

IOTA 1.5 (also known as Chrysalis) is the mainnet’s intermediate stage before Coordicide is complete. You can read more about the strategy for releasing Chrysalis here.

The Chrysalis phase 1 components were deployed to the mainnet in August. The engineering team is now working on Chrysalis phase 2, or the full implementation of IOTA 1.5.  

This week’s updates and status

Phase 2 Public Testnet

We released the public testnet right before Christmas. We have been, together with the community, testing different components, like the node software, or the different libraries on the testnet for the past couple of weeks. As well as finalizing the latest protocol changes.

We have updated the testnet this week:

  • Changed the prefix of addresses used on the testnet to atoi.
  • Updated node MQTT and REST API to reflect the latest specification.
  • Added dust protection implementation in node software.

You can read more about the update in the new tech-announcements channel on our Discord.


  • Started doing live tests of the Bee node with the Bee X-team.
  • Fixing findings from the external code audit.
  • Implementing dust protection.
  • Implementing a balance lookup improvement from Hornet.


  • Updated dependencies that had vulnerabilities (required forking the MQTT lib).
  • Fix for the dashboard authentication, and fix for heartbeats to allow Bee to synchronize.
  • Changed how the ledger is stored so balance lookups no longer require an iteration -> better performance.
  • Implemented dust protection and deployed it on the testnet. and

Our Rust implementation of standard client library and wallet functionalities

  • Python bindings for have been ported and are done for the regular API, MQTT is in progress.
  • Python bindings for will follow.
  • Updated usage examples to reflect the current state of the libs.
  • The state adapter is outstanding. and Stronghold is a crate for all cryptographic algorithms used by many of the projects at IF. Stronghold is a secure software implementation for safe digital secrets isolation.


Chrysalis phase 2 will come with a new wallet implementation that replaces Trinity.

  • Merging the UI implementation and implementation.
  • Firefly is currently undergoing an internal security review before an external security audit commences.
  • The Ledger Nano app is done, and the integration of the app will start soon.


A large part of the Chrysalis Phase 2 effort is auditing the new functionality. We have started the audit on the protocol changes made to the node software. The wallet audit is currently happening internally and will be handed over to an external audit firm as soon as we conclude.

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Jakub Cech

Director of Engineering @IOTA Foundation